Digitise Film - Converting or Publishing your Microfiche and Microfilm
Why digitise your paper, microfilm or microfiche records?
To give access to records that are on fiche and film requires specialist equipment. Its also difficult to search large volumes of information for specific entries. We can convert business records, historical records and paper records giving you a wide range of options in terms of delivery.
Digitising your paper, microfiche and microfilm records will mean that you can make high quality images available to everyone that needs them.
The final format is up-to-you. We can readily create CD/DVD and Web style Intranet/Internet versions of material with indexes. We can provide a full transcription or indexing service. This will give you the facility to search the material on any field that you require. The images can be linked in a readily accessable format and will be available wherever and whenever you want them. We can create secure sites or just local webpages.
What Formats can we handle?
We have in house high quality scanners that can provide you with bitonal, greyscale or colour images from a variety of sources., including:
- Microfiche
- 16mm and 35mm Microfilm
- Books and documents - Overhead camera units to high volume sheet scanners.
Don't forget our transcribing, indexing and web publishing services are available customised to your specification.
Get a Quote
We offer free quotes online - click here to get a quote.
Worried about the cost?
We offer competitive prices to make sure you get the best possible service. Make sure you get the highest digital image quality, and can even offer you a discount for large orders!
Phone us to discuss your project, or click here to get a quote.
Our Clients Include:
- The National Archives
- British Data Archives
- ABM Publishing
- plus major online publishers and many small businesses.